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Alexander Svirsky monastery (Russia)
Reverend Alexander Svirsky, the founder of Alexander Svirsky monastery, was the one of All Saints of the Russian Church who saw the phenomenon of the Holy Trinity
Antonievo-Dymsky monastery (Russia)
Antonievo-Dymsky Monastery was established in XIII cent. , by Reverend Anthony. It has been destructed several times, but now is revived and opened for pilgrims in 1997
Avraamiev-Bogoyavlensky monastery (Russia)
Avraamiev-Bogoyavlensky monastery, according legend founded in 11 c. on the place of pagan temple, dedicated to Veles, is one of the first strongholds of Christian faith in Russia
Bogoroditsky Zhitennyi convent (Russia)
Bogoroditsky Zhitennyi convent, a modest cloister, beautiful in its simplicity, is located on Zhitnoy Island in Lake Seliger; it's an important center of spiritual life in the Upper Volga region
Borisoglebsky Monastery (Russia)
Borisoglebsky Monastery - a white-stone stronghold with unassailable walls and mighty towers - is one of the most interesting monuments of pre-Petrine architecture
Borisoglebsky Monastery (Russia)
Truly wonderful in its picturesque multi-styledness architectural ensemble of Borisoglebsky Monastery, the oldest in Tver land, is the main pride and adornment of Torzhok
Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk, Novodevichy Convent (Russia)
The monumental Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk in Novodevichy Convent was built after the model of Dormition Cathedral in Kremlin; well-preserved frescoes of 16th century
Christ's Nativity (Khristorozhdestvensky) convent (Russia)
The complex of the Christ's Nativity (Khristorozhdestvensky) convent is an outstanding example of stylistically integral architectural ensemble, built in the style of Classicism
Danilov Monastery is the most ancient cloister on the Moskva River; at present time it is a residence of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and a venue for the Assembly of Hierarchs
Donskoy Monastery, one of the most beautiful and touristically interesting in Moscow, includes quite a number of remarkable monuments of Russian history, architecture and culture
Ferapontov Monastery, founded in 1327, is inscribed in UNESCO World Heritage List. There is Museum of Dionisius' Frescoes in Cathedral of Nativity of Virgin
Goritsky Monastery of Resurrection (Russia)
Goritsky Convent of Resurrection (1544), picturesquely situated on the Sheksna shore, fascinates with its beauty and organic integration with surrounding landscape
Iversky Monastery, build in the mid 17th century, is now fully restored and open for parishioners. Daily services
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (Russia)
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, founded in 1397, is celebrated for its monuments of white stone architecture, unique samples of wooden architecture and Museum of Icons
Monastery of Saint Euthymius (Russia)
Magnificent architectural ensemble of Saint Euthymius Monastery (16-17 c.) is a part of Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Monastery Savatieva pustyn (Russia)
Monastery Savatieva pustyn is one of the most important ancient sacred places of Tver land; after many long years of oblivion it is being restored to life at present time
Museum of Spaso-Andronikov Monastery (Russia)
Today in the precincts of Spaso-Andronikov Monastery is located the Central Museum of Old Russian culture and art, named after the great icon painter Andrey Rublev
Novodevichy Convent (Bogoroditse-Smolensky Monastery) was founded in 1524 by Grand Prince Vasili III in honour of the of the Smolensk icon of Our Lady, Virgin Hodegetria
Pokrovo-Tervenichi Monastery (Russia)
The main sacred things of Pokrovo-Tervenichi Monastery are the Icon of Our Lady, the Holy Source, and particles of the relics of many Saints
In Pokrovsky Convent there are several points of interest, including Pokrovsky cathedral, Holy Gates with overgate church, Frater Youse with Zachatievskaya church
Sculpture in Donskoy Monastery (Russia)
Grandiose high relieves from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, destroyed by bolsheviks in 1931, are the part of exposition of Shchusev Architectural Museum
Spaso-Prilutsky monastery (Russia)
Spaso-Prilutsky monastery, the largest and oldest in Russian North, is a most interesting ensemble, harmoniously combining in itself architectural monuments of different epochs
Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery (Russia)
Spaso-Yakoblevsky monastery on Nero Lake is the most beautiful in Rostov. Its exceptionally expressive architectural ensemble plays an important role in the city's appearance
The Savior (Spassky) Cathedral of the Andronikov Monastery (Russia)
The Savior Cathedral (Spassky cathedral) of the Andronikov Monastery, built in 15th cent., is the oldest monastery temple in Moscow, with partly preserved frescoes by Andrey Rublev
The Savior's Transfiguration Monastery (Russia)
The Savior's Transfiguration monastery, the oldest in the city, was founded in 12 c. Nowadays it is a heart of Yaroslavl State Historical and Architectural Musem-Reserve
Tikhvin Uspensky Monastery (Russia)
Tikhvin Uspensky Monastery is a place of pilgrimage - believers crave for touching the principal holy thing of the Monastery - Our Lady of Tikhvin miraculous icon
Tne white stone beauty of Tolgsky convent with its monumental Vvedensky Cathedral and relict cedar grove, standing on picturesque Volga shore, is the largest convent in country
Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior on the island of Valaam in Lake Ladoga is one of the most ancient cloisters in Russia, founded according the legend as far back as X cent.
Varnitsky Trinity Monastery (Russia)
Varnitsky Trinity monastery is presently restored to life ancient cloister, founded in 1427 at the birth-place of Saint Sergius of Radonezh. It
Voznesensky Orshin convent (Russia)
Voznesensky Orshin convent, located at the confluence of the Orsha river and Volga, is one of the most ancient in Tver land, a monument of federal importance
Vvedensky Nunnery was founded 15 years ago in the churchyard ground Volodimirets (X century). There is a hotel for pilgrims
Vysokopetrovsky Monastery (Russia)
Vysokopetrovsky Monastery is one of the most ancient monasteries in Moscow, an important religious-enlightening and educational center of Russian Orthodox Church
The monastery complex built in XII-XIII centuries and originally called the cave monastery, was later renamed into Geghard. All of the ancient buildings are open for visitors
Built in X century, the Haghpat Monastery includes: the Church of the Holy Virgin, the Church of the Holy Nshan,the ancient book depository and some other buildings
Khor Virap monastery (Armenia)
The Khor Virap monastery is of the same age with Christianity in Armenia. Being located at the foot of Biblical Mount Ararat it is the place of pilgrimage of believers
The significant religious and cultural center of medieval Armenia - Noravank monastery complex is the unique monument of architecture of XIII-XIV centuries
The Church of the Holy Virgin with the remarkable bas-relief above the entrance and the chapel have preserved in the Oganavank monastery complex(V century)
Saghmosavank Monastery (Armenia)
Saghmosavank Monastery or Monastery of Psalms was built in XII-XIII centuries by Vachutyan family. All buildings were restored after the earthquake of 1988 year