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Bosnia and Herzegovina, religion
Bosnia and Herzegovina is multi-denomination country: Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) preach Islam, the Serbs - Orthodox, the Croats – Catholicism
The Romería de El Rocío is an annual procession in honor of the Virgin of Las Rocinas, the patron saint of Almonte. The tradition was born in 1653.
In Santa-Pola, along with diving and yachting, you can try windsurfing on the Levante and Gran Playa Beaches and kite surfing on the La Gola Beach.
Duesseldorf, community (Germany)
There are a lot of banks, offices and skyscrapers in Duesseldorf. The city invests a lot in the renovation of old buildings, in culture and art, regularly conducts festivals and fairs
Buddhism came to Bhutan already in II century AD. Songtsen Gampo - the King of Tibet - has declared Buddhism as the official religion and opened in a single day 108 monasteries all over the Himalayas
Most of the Bhutanese are Buddhists. There are more monks-lamas in Bhutan than in any other Buddhist country. Most Bhutanese live in small villages in valleys
FIFA World Cup 2010 (South Africa)
In 2010 Spain won the FIFA World Cup Football Championship for the first time in its football history. It happened in Johannesburg, South Africa
Ethiopia has no colonial past and so, there is no long-standing resentment against newcomers – local people are very friendly
Guard of the Council (San Marino)
Guard of the Council of San Marino was established back in 1740 and to recent days one can see brave guardsmen on streets of the city
The uniqueness of the Himba Tribe is that they still continue to follow all the customs, traditions and beliefs. They are reluctant to maintain contacts with white people
The majority of Namibian community (80%) are the peoples of the Bantu family, 6. 5% - are metises and only 6% - are white descendants of European colonists
Traditionally, the most influential and wealthy people in Iran are members of the Pehlevi dynasty shah family, as well as religious leaders, tribal chiefs, landowners and merchants
Israel community is divers - Jews from all over the world brought with them cultural and religious traditions. The most significant minority of Israel- the Arabs
The diversity of society shows the diversity of customs and traditions of various nationalities inhabited Malaysia - the Malay, Chinese and Indian communities
Almost 76% of Mongolian community are below the poverty line by the world standards. Upper layers (about 4%) are very far away from the mass of population
People of Nepal are open-hearted and very friendly. They are remarkably modest, both curious and like to chat
Almost all country houses in Sweden are painted with traditional red paint "Rödfärg Falu", made on the basis of pigment, mined at the Falun Great Copper Mountain
Transportation in Paris (France)
Besides traditional modes of city transport - automobile, bus and metro, in Paris are very popular bycicles, and there is a large net of bycicle rent stations there
The University of Salerno has been founded in the middle ages. Now it has 10 faculties and is one of the most prestigious universities in Italy.
Victory Day celebrations (Ukraine)
On the Victory Day on the territory of National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War take place a ceremonial meeting, brass bands parade and a big concert of art masters