Kazakhstan, horse trips


Experienced instructors will help you to improve your riding skill and choose a suitable route. Horse trips in Kazakhstan are unforgettable

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World Countries Kazakhstan on map Kazakhstan video Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan - the crossroad of Europe and Asia. For thousands of years the land was on the border between civilizations and religions. The result - a very distinctive culture


Cities Almaty on map Almaty video Almaty

Almaty is an administrative, scientific and cultural center. It has a university, 16 institutes, theaters, museums, concert and exhibition halls


Cities Astana on map Astana video Astana

The capital of Kazakhstan Astana has gained its status and modern architecture (Presidential Center of Culture, Congress Hall, etc. ) only after 1994 year


Cities Turkestan on map Turkestan video Turkestan

Founded in 500 year AD at the crossroads of caravan routes of the Silk Road – Turkestan preserved the medieval look. One, getting here, feels as if it was in Oriental fairy tale

Mangyshlak Peninsula

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Mangyshlak Peninsula is the unique natural reserve and historical monument of ancient human settlements

Altai Mountains

Mountains, caves, canons Altai Mountains on map Altai Mountains video Altai Mountains

The best place for active recreation in Eastern Kazakhstan - the Altai Mountains, where the abundance of forests with a rich fauna and lakes full of fish

Baikonur Cosmodrome

Popular tourist places Baikonur Cosmodrome on map Baikonur Cosmodrome video Baikonur Cosmodrome

Visiting the Baikonur Cosmodrome as a tourist is quite real. It just necessary 30 days before the start of a tour to send an application


Lakes Balkhash on map Balkhash video Balkhash

Balkash is a very special lake - one side of it is fresh and the other is salted. Some travel agencies, located on the shores offer traditional hunting with trained birds; fishing

Bayanaul National Park

National parks, Nature reserves Bayanaul National Park on map Bayanaul National Park video Bayanaul National Park

The flora of the Bayanaul National Park has about 500 species of plants, 50 species of which are relic. It is a popular tourist destination - great scope for active recreation


World Resorts Borovoe on map Borovoe video Borovoe

Borovoe is magically beautiful. The combination of mountains, pine forests and lakes creates not only the unique beauty of the landscape, but also a special healing climate

Caspian Sea

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Caspian Sea is, in fact, the largest lake in the world (371 000 km ², maximum depth - 1025 m) called the sea because of its size. The water in the lake is salted

Charyn Canyon

Mountains, caves, canons Charyn Canyon on map Charyn Canyon video Charyn Canyon

Charyn Canyon, also known as the "Valley of Castles" is located approximately in 200 km from Almaty. This natural complex, formed about 30 million years ago is unique

Great Almaty Lake

Lakes Great Almaty Lake on map  
Great Almaty Lake

Kazakhstan, biking

Biking, bicycle tourism Kazakhstan, biking on map Kazakhstan, biking video Kazakhstan, biking

A popularity of biking increases in Kazakhstan recently. There are special tourist centers with skilled instructors. Different level routes, rent of bicycle

Kazakhstan, ethnographic

Traditions and Crafts Kazakhstan, ethnographic on map Kazakhstan, ethnographic video Kazakhstan, ethnographic

The Kazakhs are Muslims, but Islam is not the major political force in the country. The traditional nomadic lifestyle does not help to centralize ecclesiastical authority

Kazakhstan, extreme tourism

Extreme tourism and Walking Kazakhstan, extreme tourism on map Kazakhstan, extreme tourism video Kazakhstan, extreme tourism

Fans of extreme tourism will find it in Kazakhstan to the heart’s content: mountain skiing, climbing, hiking and horseback tours, rafting on rafts and canoes, parachuting

Kazakhstan, fishing

Fishing Kazakhstan, fishing on map Kazakhstan, fishing video Kazakhstan, fishing

Good places for fishing in Kazakhstan are numerous. In lakes, reservoirs and rivers are found carp, pike, crucian, chub, tench, perch, pike perch and many others

Kazakhstan, landscape

Mountains, caves, canons Kazakhstan, landscape on map Kazakhstan, landscape video Kazakhstan, landscape

The landscape of Kazakhstan is very diverse: high mountains, plains, glaciers, lakes and rivers

Kazakhstan, nature

Nature Kazakhstan, nature on map Kazakhstan, nature video Kazakhstan, nature

The nature of Kazakhstan is very diverse: mountains, steppes, forests, deserts, rivers and lakes, with the incredible number of animals, birds and fish

Kazakhstan, trekking

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Trekking in foothills and alpine Kazakhstan together with skilled guide leaves an unforgettable impression. The best time is from June to September


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The best time for rafting in Kazakhstan is from mid-April to mid-October. Traveling by rafts and canoes through lakes and rivers is exciting

Kurgaldzhinsky Reserve

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Kurgaldzhinsky Reserve is famous for its rich world of animals, lakes full of fish, and flocks of pink flamingoes

Livestock market in Kazakhstan

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Livestock market in Kazakhstan

Mausoleum of Arystan-bab

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Mausoleum of Arystan-bab was erected over the grave of the religious mystic of XII century. Mausoleum has been rebuilt in different centuries


Popular tourist places Medeo on map Medeo video Medeo

At the moment Medeo is the highest mountain outdoor speed skating rink in the world. It has the largest area of artificial ice fields - 10,5 thousand m ²

National Park Altin-Emel

National parks, Nature reserves National Park Altin-Emel on map National Park Altin-Emel video National Park Altin-Emel

On the territory of National Park Altin-Emel one can see about 200 archaeological monuments of the Bronze Age. There is also a rich fauna


Ski resorts Shymbulak on map Shymbulak video Shymbulak

Shymbulak - the most popular ski resort in Kazakhstan. There are excellent trails both for beginners and professionals

Tamgali Tas

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Tamgali Tas means “pictures on stone”. There are about 1000 different rock images, belong to late Middle Ages - petroglyphs, images of deities, Buddhist inscriptions

Tien Shan

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Tien Shan - one of the largest mountain systems in Asia - attracts not only climbers, but also lovers of walking and equestrian tourism

Traditional Holidays, Kazakhstan

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The main traditional holidays in Kazakhstan are Ramadan - the holy fasting month of Muslims, Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bairam) - the end of Ramadan, and Nowruz – March,21st

Yurt, Kazakhstan

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Yurt, a traditional Kazakh’s dwelling, meets all requirements of nomadic way of life: mobile, easily dismantling and quickly installing at a new location

Zailiysky Alatau

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Almaty State Reserve is located in Zailiysky Alatau, where such rare animals as snow leopard (Uncia uncia) and red wolf (Cuon alpinus) are found

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Tours TV • Kazakhstan, horse trips • Kazakhstan