Astana city

 • Kazakhstan

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The capital of Kazakhstan Astana has gained its status and modern architecture (Presidential Center of Culture, Congress Hall, etc. ) only after 1994 year

[Google Translate:] Astana - the capital of Kazakhstan. The city is located in north-eastern part of the country. In 1830 there was established a military stronghold Akmola ("white grave"). In 1868 Akmolinsk became a county town. It was an assembly point of caravans on their way from Central Asia to Russia. In early spring 1954 in Akmolinsk began arriving early trains volunteers from all republics of the former USSR for the development of virgin lands. The city has experienced a rebirth: he built the entire Soviet Union. Gradually, one-story mud-brick houses, narrow streets gave way to modern high-rise buildings, broad avenues. In 1961 the town was renamed Tselinograd, and in 1992 - in Akmola. In 1994 it was decided to postpone the Kazakh capital from Almaty to Akmola. In May 1998 the town was renamed to Astana (literally - "capital"). In the town there are factories producing agricultural products, food, meat, dairy and light industry. The city has several institutions. This is an important railway junction of the republic, where the overlap Transkazahstanskaya and South-Siberian Railway.

Baiterek Tower - the symbol of the city and his business card. At a height of 97 meters there Observatory and ground, allowing to see the city from a bird's flight. Ethnic park "Map of Kazakhstan - Atameken" represents a unique outdoor museum. Area maps 1,7 hectares of urban attractions and historical sites in Kazakhstan. It shows all the different climatic zones and landscapes, architecture and urban ensembles. But the main - the monuments of culture: the National Opera and Ballet Theatre. K. Baiseitova, Capital Circus, the central mosque of Nur-Astana Congress Hall - the main cultural center of Astana, Rachel Synagogue Beit Chabad Lubavitch, a snow-white ensemble of the Presidential Center of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The Palace Zhastar - center of social and recreational life of the city.


The capital of Kazakhstan Astana has gained its status and modern architecture (Presidential Center of Culture, Congress Hall, etc. ) only after 1994 year

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