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サラール族 (中国)
Monks of Tibet (中国)
Population of Kashmir (インド)
Population of Maharashtra (インド)
Population of Rajasthan (インド)
Population of Udaipur (インド)
Ghats in Udaipur (インド)
Population of Arunachal Pradesh (インド)
Population of Mizoram (インド)
Population of Tamil Nadu (インド)
Population of Kerala (インド)
Womans of teke tribe (トルクメニスタン)
Population of Rwanda (ルワンダ)
Population of Vietnam (ベトナム)
Population of Zanzibar (タンザニア)
Population of Pakistan (パキスタン)
Population of Burundi (ブルンジ)
Population of Nampula (モザンビーク)
Makonde people (モザンビーク)
Population (サウジアラビア)
Population Brela (クロアチア)
Petra's Bedouins (ヨルダン)
Local people Irbid (ヨルダン)
Population of Vilnius (リトアニア)
Dogon villages near Bandiagara (マリ共和国)
Bedouin women of Oman (オマーン)
Yanguwah Indigenous Show (オーストラリア)