Detailed interactive map Ghana

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Ghana (The Republic of Ghana) is located in West Africa. It has borders with the Republic of Côte d\\\\\\\'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) to the west, to the north-west and north - with Burkina Faso (former Upper Volta), to the east - with Togo. To the south it is washed by waters of the Gulf of Guinea. Ghana is a member of British Commonwealth of Nations. Head of the state - president. Legislature - unicameral parliament.
The capital - Accra.
Official language - English.
Christians make up 68.8% of the population, Muslims - 15,9%, the followers of traditional religions 8.5%/.
The climate is equatorial. Average temperature is + 23-27 * C. In the coastal part two wet seasons (from March to July and from September to October) are replaced by two dry. In the interior districts of the country changing of dry and wet periods is not so palpable. Relief of Ghana is mostly flat.
First Europeans (Portuguese) appeared in Ghana in 1482. From here they exported gold (at that time the country was called the Gold Coast) and slaves. In the XVI-century gold, exported from the Gold Coast, was about 10% of world production. By the middle of the XIX-th century Britain ousted other Europeans from the Gold Coast. In 40-ies of the XX th century a struggle of the Gold Coast peoples for liberation has begun, which is ended with the proclamation of independence.
Culture of Ghana has long and rich traditions, and products of refined gold, manufactured by local craftsmen are known throughout the worl