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НовостиИталия • 2013-12-07

Выберите страну и тип объекта Winter season about to start in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Winter season about to start in Friuli Venezia Giulia

“Free skiing” offers, proposals for families and various activities

Villa Chiozza di Cervignano, 13th November 2013 – “Free skiing” is the new winter tourism offer of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which combines accommodation at good prices at the partner hotels with a free ski pass valid for the whole duration of your stay. In the region’s five ski areas of Piancavallo, Forni di Sopra, Sella Nevea, Ravascletto-Zoncolan and Tarvisio the 2013/2014 season will start on 7th December 2013 and will end on 30th March 2014. The aim is to offer, at the same price as last year, an improved product: Agenzia TurismoFVG (Friuli Venezia Giulia’s Tourist Board), in collaboration with Promotur and the mountain consortia, has created a wide range of offers and activities for the winter season that focus on the combination of accommodation and ski pass at favourable prices and a calendar of outdoor activities to best enjoy the region’s mountains.

“Free skiing” package holidays: sleep in Friuli Venezia Giulia and you will get a free ski pass

The tourist offer “Free skiing”, which combines half-board hotel accommodation, from 55 Euros per night per person for at least three nights, with a free ski pass valid for the whole duration of your stay. This promotion, in which all the ski areas of the region participate with different offers, is valid from 7th to 31st January and from 17th March to the end of the season and is addressed to various types of guests, from youths to families with children to couples and proposes many opportunities to suit all requirements, from skiing to entertainment, to relaxation.

Family friendly offers

Many are the proposals dedicated to families, starting from the package holidays, different depending on the location, which propose children-friendly stays with convenient fares and discounts and entertainment with games and approach to snow. In Piancavallo children up to 8 years old get free hotel accommodation and ski for free, while for the rest of the family, starting from 70 Euros per person per night, the offer includes a free ski pass and a snowshoe tour with a nature guide. Free accommodation for children up to 8 years old and reductions for children up to 12 years old in Carnia as well: the offer, from 75 Euros per person per night, includes the ski pass for the cross-country ski runs and entertainment activities for children. Finally, in the Tarvisio area the ski school is open to everyone: the courses are available to parents as well in a 6-night stay that includes the use of the hotel’s wellness area (where available), a 6-day ski pass valid for Tarvisio and Sella Nevea and, for those who do not love downhill skiing, a wide range of activities to suit all requirements. The price for adults is from 80 Euros per night, 50 Euros per night for children from 8 to 12 years old, 20 Euros per night for children from 4 to 8 years old.

Ski passes for all requirements

If in the ski areas of Piancavallo, Zoncolan and Tarvisio the price of the one-day ski pass is unchanged at 35 Euros for adults (30 Euros for youths and seniors, 22 Euros for children), in the ski areas of Forni di Sopra and Sella Nevea the one-day ski pass can be purchased with a save of 3 Euros per category (adults 32 Euros, youths-seniors 28 Euros, children 21 Euros).

New this year is the sci@ore ski pass, which provides time flexibility for the use of the ski runs, suiting the requirements of all families. For example, for the new family ski pass prices range from 70 Euros per person for 10 hours up to a maximum of 120 Euros for 30 hours, valid from 7th January 2014 to the end of the season. The price for children for the sci@ore family ski pass is only 1 Euro per hour, with a minimum cost of 10 Euros.

Special conditions are reserved to amateur groups, community centres, organized groups of users with their own central buying office: in particular, a promotion of 2 Euros per person for groups (at least 25 persons) on weekdays with the possibility to buy on weekends and in the Christmas period the one-day ski pass at 24 Euros instead of 26.

Not only skiing: snow activities for all tastes

Package holidays have been created to enjoy all the aspects of the various mountain resorts, allowing to have experiences other than skiing, such as snowshoe tours with a nature guide, Alpine ski classes at night, curling, climbing, ice climbing.

TurismoFVG, in collaboration with the mountain tourism consortia, has also set out a rich programme of activities for enjoying Friuli Venezia Giulia’s mountains at all times of the day: from themed and panoramic day snowshoe tours in the most spectacular and charming places to evening walks to discover the colours of twilight, to walks in the quiet of the night with a toboggan downhill ride after a dinner in the Alpine hut. This year there will also be proposals linked to the World War One itineraries and hang gliding and paragliding. Most of the activities cost from 5 to 12 Euros but are free for FVG Card holders; the FVG Card is the regional tourist card that at a low price provides its holder and a child up to 12 years old with free access to the main museums, monuments and attractions of the region as well as significant discounts at over 200 partner facilities.

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