News • Iceland •
Only 2 departures left for this season : July 4th and July 11th
A great “Add-On” to fly and drive packages or self-drive packages and an easy solution to poor hotel availability during high-season in the North of the country……accommodation on board one of our schooners, Hildur or Haukur for 1 or 2 nights ! More nights available upon request ! so much more: sailing, Flatey, Grímsey, BBQ, fishing, whale watching, bird-watching, Zodiac trip, adventure, geology and flora.
What better way to promote a tour then to publish a review from a happy customer:
“Our trip to the „Edge of the Arctic“ was a phantastic experience, never have I been so close to dolphins, whales and birds. So, being at the edge of the arctic is also being right in the center of wildlife.
We felt very welcome onboard your schooner, greeted by the crew, and the guide Nils gave us a tour of the boat.
We left Húsavík, well equipped in your cosy overalls, and right outside the bay we saw a school of dolphins, that were swimming alongside the boat, as if they were playing with us. We took some great pictures.
Our first stop was in Flatey, a deserted island not too far from Húsavík, and Nils gave us the expert-tour around the island, telling interesting stories about the history of the community. We climbed up the Lighthouse and enjoyed the view from there, which was fantastic.
Sailing on the schooner is so nice and relaxing. It is like the wind carries away what is on your mind and you just sit there, watch the ocean, try to spot whales, follow the trail of the birds and let your thoughts wander. Way too soon for my taste we reached the island of Grimsey and Captain Alli stopped the boat outside the harbour and we fished for our dinner. I was impressed how easy that was, it took us only minutes to catch enough fish for everyone, and we were not even using bait!
While the crew prepared our Fish-BBQ-dinner on the boat we wandered off and took a walk „at the edge of the arctic“.
While I was not quite sure how sleeping in a tight bunk bed would be I enjoyed it very much, the smell of aged oak and the whisper of the Atlantic ocean in the night was very soothing.
So, after a good night‘s sleep and delicious breakfast on the boat the captain took us on a zodiac-trip all around the island. With this zodiac we were able to get very close to the coast where thousands of birds were nesting in the rocks. What an impressive view! Then we took a hike around the island and Nils once again entertained us with his insights on life, wildlife and history of this - as we know now - most northerly inhabited part of Iceland.
On our way back to Húsavík the crew set sail and we glided along, spotting a few minke whales and a humpback whale. It was a very peaceful day and I am taking home very fond memories of this trip.
Thank you for a wonderful trip and your hospitality, North Sailing.“
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